But i found a lot more than just a wifi.
I went to one bar to drink some coffe and then i started talking with the bar owner.
I stayed there about four hours and we talked and watched videos on youtube.
And my italian language gets better every day because most of the people i meet dont speak english.
I slept in the center of city in the corner of one park.
And in the morning i got a nice breakfast and some food to go as well.
In the city of Rosarno i met this nice family.
They made me a panini and gave some other goods.
Later i went to one local bakery shop to drink some coffe to keep me aweke in the night.
And they gave me some food as well.
I slept in the biggest olive farm i have seen so far.
It was about 5km long and i have no idea how wide because it was in the both sides of the road.
The only bad thing is that the rubber tips on my walking sticks are starting to ware out. And i have no idea when im gone find a place where i can buy new ones and if i have the money in that moment.
And 10 minutes ago while i was writing the blog one man just gave me 50g (costs about 10 euros) of tobacco and the only converstaiton we had was where im from.
So now im in the gas station and smoking kinb size cigarette.
So far 317 km
TSau Miku, Sa pead tepot tõstma, muidu alles novembriks 5000km läbitud :D