Thursday, April 3, 2014

Found a beer

Tuesday i went to one bar to ask if i could fill my water bottles.
And at that moment there was this man.

He bought a coffe for me and two bags of chips and also gave 5 euros to me.

Later he went home and came back with two slices of cake.

I also talked with the bartender for about 4 hours while i was charging the battery again.

He gave me free coffes while i was in the bar and made 4 coffes to go as well. Also gave a little bit food for go.

After the bar one guy pulled over and wanted to take a photo of me and after that gave me 10 euros.
Its the fist time somebody has given me money for taking a photo with me.

Then i found a beer near the road and it was even cold because it was in the flowing water.

That night i slept pretty close to the road because the road was coming down from the mountains and there wasnt a lot of space.

Yesterday and today i have walked 36 km in the middle of farms and industrial fields.
So its been quite boring and lonely.

Because of that my bag run out of food for the first time in calabria.

So i got few oranges.

And these were my favorite red and sweet ones.

But yesterday nightended perfectly.

I found one building with the lights near the road so i went to sit there.

It turned out to be a pizza restuarant and after few minutes one guy came out and asked if i want come inside ande have a cup of coffe.

And when i got the coffe they asked if i am hungry and then they made ma whole pizza.

Yesterday i realised that i can sleep in pretty loud envoierments.

In the right side there is the road and airport with planes taking off constantly and in the left there is a railway.

Now i arrived in the first town after a long walk and its almost 4 pm which means that everything is about to open and i should get some food..

So far 374 km

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